Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Not resolutions,……..but set goals to achieve

Salaam Aleikum….

Hi Friends,

When I was younger, I always made New Year resolutions, but found out that I couldn’t keep them past the month of January. But now, I design a set of goals to achieve by the end of the year. If I can achieve success in at least 80% of these goals, then I am okay. 

I was a year older last week, so it seems like the beginning of my new year. Lol…. In my last post, I discussed 10 important things about me. Now these are what I would like to improve on as regards to my deen.

Regarding my quest to striving towards Jannat Firdaus, I would like to improve on these:
1.   “The best of you are the ones who learn the Quran and teach it to others.”   (Al-Bukhari). I would love to read atleast one himzu in my Quran every day.
2.      Waking up at 3.30am for taajud would be nice. My mum has been doing it for years.
3.      Observing my daily prayers on time can be daunting with a 9 – 5 job. Most of the time, I observe zuhr and asr together in the evenings. *covers face*. I would really love to improve on that.
4.      Fasting at least once a week. Either on Monday or Thursday
5.      And finally, broadening my knowledge by reading at least one book a month

I hope I can achieve all these goals this year. So tell me friends, what are the things you would love to improve on in 2015. I would love to hear from you in the comments section.

Ma – Salaam

Love: Deejah

1 comment:

  1. ive promised myself for years, I would learn tajweed, seerah etc. Basically go back to Islamiyyah. However, as you said, a 9-5 job creates obstacles. i want to learn arabic though. it would be spiritually cool.
