Peace and Blessings
I remember a good friend of mine calling me after attending an interview in a private school saying she wasn't employed because she is a muslim. Her friend who worked there earlier suggested she omitted her muslim name. She thought he was joking, but on getting there, same was the case. Meanwhile, this is a school that admits muslim kids. Totally disregarding the fact that my friend was qualified for the job.
I wasn't surprised because I also had my fair share of experience in that regard when I was still job hunting. This practice is common in the private sector especially SMEs dominated by non muslims.
Earlier this year, I read a piece online where an MBA graduate in India was also denied employment because he is muslim. And the reason was stated in an email sent to him. When the email went viral, the organization denied the claims and employed the young man.
I'm most cases, situations like this cannot be avoided because we have to go out there and work. must chop right? Also not everyone is going to work in big multinational organizations. So I have put together a few pointers to work with when a muslimah finds herself in a non-Islamic organization or if she is one of the very few muslims in her workplace. This can be also helpful for our brothers in Islam too.
1. Set your priorities : As a striving muslimah you should know that Allah comes first in all that we do. Always remind yourself why you are at work, and make sure all decisions taken pertaining to work is halal.
2. Modesty and Chastisy: Always let the muslim in you reflect in your actions. Avoid office gossip, smile and be polite at all times. Also don't encourage flirting with the opposite sex.
3. Work hard: I know no one is indispensable, But there are some people whose vacuum are so difficult to fill because of their attitude to work. Be that employee that everyone would miss when you aren't around.
4. Always be prayerful: Always seek Allah SWT guidance and protection through prayers. It's advisable to perform Duha before going to work. Minimum of 2 Rakats. It will help put Allah SWT Baraka in whatever you do.
I hope these few tips are quite helpful.
Till my next post, I say Asalaam Aleikum.
Love: Deejah